My answer to life’s lemons is to read… I get the phone call and rush to Borders “self-help” section.
I am a sucker for any and every inspirational book for whatever ails me. I really love to read Chicken Soup for the Soul, as corny as it is. I guess it gives me hope to read others’ struggle. It makes me feel like I’m not as alone as I thought I was.
So, to be true to myself, I ran to Borders yesterday (pay day) and picked up a great self-help book that actually kind of makes me laugh, and I can’t wait to find another copy to send to Mom! It’s called “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” by Kris Carr. It’s kind of a funny take on the battle of Cancer, and she is very down to earth “take no bullshit” kind of gal. I really appreciate her view on life.
I haven’t read the whole thing, so if it ends up sucking in the end I’m sorry… I’ll make it up to you. Here’s to book one of many I’m sure.
All the Love,
I am a sucker for any and every inspirational book for whatever ails me. I really love to read Chicken Soup for the Soul, as corny as it is. I guess it gives me hope to read others’ struggle. It makes me feel like I’m not as alone as I thought I was.
So, to be true to myself, I ran to Borders yesterday (pay day) and picked up a great self-help book that actually kind of makes me laugh, and I can’t wait to find another copy to send to Mom! It’s called “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” by Kris Carr. It’s kind of a funny take on the battle of Cancer, and she is very down to earth “take no bullshit” kind of gal. I really appreciate her view on life.
I haven’t read the whole thing, so if it ends up sucking in the end I’m sorry… I’ll make it up to you. Here’s to book one of many I’m sure.
All the Love,
Hey Abby, first I want to thank you for having the courage to write about everything that is going on you are amazing! I so glad you put this link on FB even though I live here I never hear how everything is going. I can't wait to read the self help book you bought I plan on picking it up this weekend. I also just wanted to let you know that if you or your family need anything at all don't be afraid to ask. Without family and friends for support I never would have made it through my dad's cancer or Bryan's and one way I can give back is be there for others who need a shoulder to cry on so if you ever need a shoulder mine is all yours. Take care my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love Kari Begrer